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About the project

The project addresses the topic of cyber gender-based violence, which has a physical, psychological, mental, and economic effect on the victims. While the statistics are vague, the Council of Europe supports that millions of women face cyber violence. CybeSafe aims to increase and reinforce awareness of cyber-violence against women, create resources for women on how to stay safe online, and how to deal with incidents of cyber-violence

KAP Surveys Infographics

“KAP” survey measures the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of a target group on a specific topic. We collected more than 100 answers from women from Greece, Cyprus, Serbia and Bulgaria. Below you can find the results in the form of infographics! The second part of the infographic is also available here.

Produced material

Bite Lessons

Bite lessons, a research-based material for the most common cybercrime targeting women.

Real Stories

Real stories of women that were affected by various threats online.

Legal & Psychological Support

Legal and Psychological Support based on the needs of every country.

Good practices

Good practices for the protection of women in cyberspace

Podcasts in 4 languages

A series of podcasts was developed in English, Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian language.  Every episode is dedicated to a different topic while having several formats (eg monologue or co-hosted podcast). Their goal is to raise awareness on the cyber violence against women and to support the victims to speak, report the crime and seek psychological and legal help. 

Click below and listed to our podcasts series

List of episodes

Episode 1: Introduction to the project ''Cybersafe''

This episode aims to introduce the listeners to the EU-funded project ”Cybersafe” that aims to raise awareness and empower women to navigate the digital landscape safely. As our lives become more intertwined with technology after the pandemic, incidents of cyberbullying and cyberstalking have increased. Research shows an alarming rise in cyberbullying of women, exacerbating gender-based violence and inequality. Join us on this transformative journey to make cyberspace safer for everyone, especially women.

Episode 2: Unmasking the Pandemic's Digital Tranformation

In today’s episode, we’ll explore the post-pandemic digital transformation, covering remote work, online learning, and virtual collaboration. Despite positive changes, challenges like digital inequality and cyber security issues persist. “Digital transformation” involves remote access, process digitization, and online collaboration. A digital divide hampers education and employment, with rising privacy concerns and cyber threats. We also discuss consequences like internet addiction and cybercrime against women, offering strategies to combat cyberbullying. Join us as we delve into the complexities of the pandemic’s digital evolution in this insightful episode.

Episode 3: The main faces of Cyber Harassment

Today, we delve into cyber harassment, covering cyberbullying and hate speech, impacting users psychologically and socially. Cyberbullying involves intimidating messages, while cyberstalking induces fear online. Hate speech leads to public humiliation through offensive language. Psychologically, it causes anxiety and depression, diminishing self-esteem. Socially, victims face relationship destruction, both personally and professionally. For safer online navigation, update passwords, use two-factor authentication, and stay informed about cybersecurity threats. Join us as we explore cyber harassment and ways to foster a safer online environment.

Episode 4: Real Stories
In this episode, we share stories of individuals overcoming online bullying. Mary and Susanna, active community members, reported harassers, leading to reduced cyberbullying. In another story, Emma, a young professional, reclaimed her life after facing non-consensual photo sharing. Join us in exploring tales of resilience and empowerment in the fight against online harassment, working together to create a safer online world.
Episode 5: Cyber Violence and Gender Inequality
In this episode, we address online gender-based violence, particularly affecting women and girls. Explore various forms of violence like cyber espionage, non-consensual pornography, gender-based abuse, hate speech, harassment, and threats. Global gender inequalities extend online, fostering discrimination and violence. This episode emphasizes gender-based harassment as a human rights violation, jeopardizing life and security with fatal consequences. Survivors endure trauma, and privacy invasion, like revenge porn or stalking, violates individual rights.
Episode 6: The Digital Gender Divide
In the series episode “Cybersafe,” the digital gender divide and the effects of the pandemic were discussed. The pandemic widened the gap, affecting e-learning and remote work, with women facing challenges due to domestic responsibilities and a lack of digital equipment. Holistic policies are needed to close the digital divide and create equality at economic, social and cultural levels.
Episode 7: The Psychological and Mental Toll of Cyberophobia
In the episode of the “Cybersafe” series, we discuss the effects of cyberbullying on mental health. Cyberbullying causes serious problems, increasing stress and isolating victims. The guest reports increased incidents of cyber violence in Greece, while as a specialist in personal information security she has studied cases related to minors and women.
Episode 8: Online Security and Empowerment
In today’s episode of Cybersafe, we look at how women can stay safe online and avoid cyberbullying. The overview includes tips for managing privacy settings, using strong passwords, and authentication. It also emphasizes the importance of being careful with personal information, safely participating in online dating, and participating in support groups. Finally, the need to respond to serious cases of harassment through law enforcement is highlighted.
In today’s episode of “Cybersafe,” we examine the legal issues related to online harassment. It presents the diversity of the legal landscape in different jurisdictions, noting that laws vary by country. It discusses the various aspects of the law, including criminal laws and special regulations against stalking, defamation, and the unauthorized distribution of harmful content. Finally, it highlights the importance of being informed about applicable laws and seeking legal advice in cases of harassment.
Episode 10: Empowering Change and Accountability
In the last episode of Cybersafe, we summarized the main topics covered in the previous episodes. We highlighted the importance of preventing online harassment, protecting privacy and working together internationally. We invite you to take action, support initiatives like CybeSafe and help create a safe digital environment. Thank you for your contribution and attention.

Cybersafe timeline

Spead the word!

The project team has developed a series of communication and dissemination material! Feel free to share them online and raise awareness among your community!

Cybersafe Poster 1

Download here

Cybersafe Poster 2

Download here

Cybersafe Trifold Brochure

Download here

Project Team and Funding

Hellas for Us from Greece is the coordinator of the Cybersafe project. MindSpin from Cyprus, City of Nis Debate Club from Serbia and Arteam from Bulgaria complement the project team.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.